Business and Marketing Education in New York State: An Overview for Administrators, Counselors, and Teachers

Instructed by Michael LaMastra

Length: 2 hours

Format: Powerpoint slides, web articles, and reflection questions

Course Description

This course is designed to provide administrators, counselors, teachers, and other interested parties an overview of business and marketing education and it's role within New York's education system. Please note that this course is for informational purposes only and is not eligible for CTLE Credit.

What am I going to get from this course?

This course is broken into nine self-paced modules that will introduce you to the field of business and marketing education. By the time the course is completed, you should be able to:

-Understand the history of business and marketing education
-Know the general content covered in today's business and marketing education programs
-Know how business and marketing education coursework can look at both the middle and high school levels
-Know where to locate learning standards to use in developing/updating business and marketing education curriculum
-Identify the two types of business teacher certifications
-Explain the characteristics of a quality business and marketing education learning environment
-Distinguish between the two business career and technical student organizations in New York: DECA and FBLA
-Identify the professional organization which provides support and advocacy to business and marketing teachers in New York State
-Explain how to best support students, staff, and school communities through a business and marketing education program.

Please note that this course is for informational purposes only and is not eligible to receive CTLE Credit.

Who is this course for?

Anyone who would like to learn more about Business and Marketing Education

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Michael LaMastra
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