Using Labor Market Data in the Classroom

Instructed by Ellen Baxt

Length: 6 hours

Format: Text, recorded videos, activities

Skill Level: All levels

Course Description

In this course, you will learn where to find labor market data, understand its importance, be able to integrate it into your course, and empower your students to use labor market data to make informed decisions about their future career(s).

As students learn about the labor market, they practice reading, writing, math, critical thinking, research, and digital skills. Labor market integration is an easy way to meet Next Generation Learning Standards integration into your CTE course.

What am I going to get from this course?

In this course, you will learn where to find labor market data, understand its importance, be able to integrate it into your course, and empower your students to use labor market data to make informed decisions about their future career(s).

As students learn about the labor market, they practice reading, writing, math, critical thinking, research, and digital skills. Labor market integration is an easy way to meet Next Generation Learning Standards integration into your CTE course.

Who is this course for?

CTE Educators

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Ellen Baxt
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