NYS Commencement-Level Science Learning Standards & CTE

Identifying authentic crossover between commencement-level science and CTE

Instructed by Jennifer Hesseltine

Length: 4 hours

Format: Recorded Videos, Articles, Text, Productive Activities, and Additional Resources

Skill Level: All Levels

Course Description

Both academic and technical content and skills are naturally ‘played out’ every day in the world around us. CTE programming provides students with opportunities to make direct connections between academics and the real-world application of academic content and skills–making learning relevant and explicitly visible to students.

Participants of this 3-part mini-course will learn about the NYSED commencement-level learning standards in science and the possibilities for authentically integrating those standards in a CTE program.

What are the requirements?

No prerequisites needed.

What am I going to get from this course?

Upon completion of this course, you will:
1. Understand the options for including NYSED commencement-level academic learning standards in a CTE program.
2. Learn about NYSED commencement-level standards in Science, and identify content and skills that authentically overlap specific CTE course curriculum.
3. Apply your knowledge of commencement-level Science standards to brainstorm ideas for integrating commencement-level content and skills into your CTE programming.
4. Gain go-to tips and additional resources for digging deeper into commencement-level Science content and skills.

Who is this course for?

Educators, CTE instructors, Administrators

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Jennifer Hesseltine
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