Teaching and Learning of ELLs in CTE

Instructed by Sarah Dong

Length: 7 hours

Format: Text, videos, articles, podcasts

Skill Level: All levels

Course Description

In this ‘Teaching and Learning of ELLs in CTE’ course, you will be taking a look at different aspects of working with ELL students in the context of CTE topics.
This course will include 3 modules expanding on the different elements in engaging ELL students.
· Module 1-Empowering ELL Students
· Module 2- Connecting with ELL Students
· Module 3- ELL Teaching Strategies
Each module will provide a comprehensive look at the key parts of ELL Teaching by incorporating articles, activities, and videos designed to encourage reflection, observation and internalization of key topics.

What am I going to get from this course?

Teachers will learn a comprehensive understanding of English Language Learners and how to specifically overcome challenges in the CTE space.

Who is this course for?

CTE Teachers

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Sarah Dong
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