Social Emotional Learning in CTE

Building on existing strengths

Instructed by Dr. Laura Ficarra

Length: 7 hours

Format: Videos, Interactive exercises/activities, Text, Audio, Uploaded files, Web-based hyperlinks

Course Description

Explore what social-emotional learning is, why it's important, and practical ways to integrate into CTE!

This course builds awareness of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), makes connections to why it is important, explores ways to integrate social-emotional learning into career and technical education, and provides some real-life examples and strategies that participants can implement immediately after finishing the course as well as in long-term goals.

What are the objectives of this course?
1. Define what our students need to succeed
2. Define Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
3. Why SEL is Important
4. SEL Frameworks Used in CTE
5. Explore the integration of SEL within Career and
Technical Education

What are the requirements?

Participants will contribute to the collective learning environment and complete each part of the course in multiple sessions. Throughout, it is expected that participants will read the provided information/ documents, explore offered links, and view uploaded videos. The readings, videos, and related response prompts can typically be completed in six hours.

What am I going to get from this course?

1. What Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is, including concepts and skills related to Career and Technical Education (CTE)

2. Why SEL is crucial and required for long-term success

3.How to strategically integrate SEL in CTE

Who is this course for?

Ideal for Career and Technical Education (CTE) staff (e.g., support personnel, teachers, WBL Coordinators, administrators) and partners supporting the learning and development of students in those programs.

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Dr. Laura Ficarra
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