Work-Based Learning Start Up!

Beginning steps in offering your WBL at your school

Length: 6.5 Hours

Format: In this course we will use the New York State Work-Based Learning Manual, webpages, videos and worksheets.

Skill Level: All Levels

Course Description

Welcome to the exciting educational world of Work-Based Learning. In this course you will learn what it takes to establish and operate a Work-Based Learning program at your school.

This course is for all general academic, Career Technical Education, and special education teachers, administrators, and counselors. If you work in education and are looking to learn what programs New York State has to offer for your school to adopt.

What are the requirements?

No requirements. This is an overview of what is needed to become a registered site for WBL programs in New York State.

What am I going to get from this course?

You will have the opportunity to analyze the current Work-Based Learning guidelines and the activities you will need to carry out a start-up a program within a school.

Who is this course for?

This program is designed for educators and administrators who wish to learn more about starting a work-based learning program at their school(s).

Learning Journey

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