Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

How UDL empowers us to empower our students to become expert learners.

Instructed by Liz Gallo

Length: 8 hours

Format: Recorded Video, articles, audio, and text

Skill Level: All Levels

Course Description

The purpose of UDL is to keep the focus on the "Why, What, and How of Learning ." The UDL framework will give you the tools to design curriculum that will empower your students to have more agency over their learning. Using UDL will allow your students to become expert learners.

What are the requirements?

No prerequisites needed.

What am I going to get from this course?

After completing the course you will understand:
* What UDL is
* Why it is important
* Use the framework to update or create curriculum that promotes expert learning

Who is this course for?

Educators, CTE instructors, Administrators

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Liz Gallo
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